arini bersamaan 22/9/2010..lbh kurang ptg..aku dpt kol dari pristana for interview invitation utk kali ke-2..siap inform " u masih kenal i lg tak..i would like to invite u again to fulfill the other vacancy..this one for the other subsidiary..then you choose when you could attend as your free time" ..oh pleasure to hear that..kedengaran nya mereka mmg menyukai aku..kuikuikuikui..siap offer aku choose time sndr and masa interview that aku expect interview adalah tidak rasmi sbb aku suh die email aku detail pn die kate xpe..same cm dulu jgk..hahaha..gelak bersama...ape agknye korang pk..senang² klo nak amik..amik jela terus aku kan..xpyh la interview..heheheh..maybe this is one of their procedure this coming friday..aku choose 10 am to attend the interview..
anyway..alhamdulillah atas kurnian peluang yang Allah beri even kecil pd pandangan org lain but sgt bsr utk aku..hanya skrg nie aku prepare MORE for the big day interview with LHDN..but at the same time still buat yg terbaik utk Pristana jgk...pray for me guys and usaha + tawakal....daaaaaaaa
: tak abis² entry psl job hunting aku..korang layan jela smpi aku berjaya....hahahah
: tak abis² entry psl job hunting aku..korang layan jela smpi aku berjaya....hahahah
just do the best..Allah akn tentukan yg mane rezeki terbaik utk ko..good luck!
tahniah aini..aku rasa pristana ni kira dpt dah..mcm ko ckp just procedure je..apa pun good luck
all the best...
alhamdulillah... :) yea, yea, yea!! hati yang berbunga-bunga...
frens...tq for your support..very appreciated..insyaAllah..aku akan buat yg terbaik utk diri sndr+family..usaha+tawakal to Allah...
nomy hang dpt interview LHDN ker...bila tu?bestnya kalo dpt LHDN.aku pristina tu just nak jumpa ko ckp pasal gaji, cuti n their co policy jer kot....
wahh hebat lah hang..nanti jenuh nak pilih mana satu plak..hehe
sarah..tak btol lgsg ape yg ko ckp tuh..byk cite scope of work adela..
aza..itulah konflik dlm kapla hotak aku skrg nie..hanya Allah yng tentukan mane terbaik utk aku..
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